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How to help prevent Osteoporosis with diet and exercise.


Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bone density, it is especially prevalent in postmenopausal women. There are simple measures that can be taken to improve bone density. Things like diet and exercise are proven to help with bone density health and maintenance. Vitamins and minerals are an essential part of a healthy well-balanced diet. A diet rich in nutrients is necessary for optimal bone health. A life full of inactivity and vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to Osteoporosis. Listed below are common foods and exercises that can be added to your daily routine to improve your bone density and health.

To begin Omega three fatty acids are known to improve bone health by aiding in bone formation while also slowing the rate of bone breakdown. Seeds and nuts like Walnuts also have alpha-linolenic acid, and Brazil nuts are a major source of magnesium. Both of which aid in bone maintenance.

Oysters are high in Zinc, which improves immune function. Zinc has been shown to aid in wound healing and dozens of other enzymatic reactions, necessary for bone regeneration.

Leafy Greens are full of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin K. Vitamin K is an essential part of the forming of bone proteins and can reduce calcium loss in urine. Studies show that proper amounts of Vitamin K help to reduce the risk of hip fractures.

Beans like Kidney, White, Black, and Pinto are full of calcium and magnesium, all minerals which are necessary in bone maintenance.

Salmon is a rich source of Vitamin D; hip fractures are linked to Vitamin D deficiency. A diet rich in Vitamin D can also be helpful if you have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis.

Not only is it important to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods it is also important to exercise. Exercise is extremely important for bone health, especially bone density. Using your muscles helps to protect your bones. Regular exercise can increase muscle strength, improve balance, improve posture, decrease pain, and increase your overall sense of well-being. A more inactive lifestyle is bad for bone health. Women with Osteoporosis who regularly exercised regained about 15% of their bone mass by taking part in weight lifting three days a week. Free weights and resistance bands are great for bone density as well as things like walking, dancing, step climbing and low-impact aerobics. Flexibility exercises help to move your joints and can improve balance while also preventing injury.

Exercises to avoid are high-impact things like jumping, running, and jogging, also too many forward bends and movements that put a lot of pressure on the bones like certain yoga postures.

A few lifestyle changes can be made to give your body the support it needs as it goes through the various stages of life or seasons, because what you needed when we were twenty years old may be quite different than the way in which we must care for ourselves during the later parts of life. For each season there is a flow and finding yours is the key to overall bone health.

Karr, (2015-2018) Our Journey with Food

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